How to increase Mic volume of earphones in Mobile | Technical SAQI
How to increase Mic volume of earphones in Mobile? | Technical SAQI Increase Mic Volume In Android SmartPhones Hi Guys, Most people's headphones have very little mic sound That's what he took Here are some of the ones I found to be interesting: Can't record your videos well If they are talking to someone on the phone, their voice is not heard by the other person (very few voices). And some brothers are not able to develop their voice-over well. There is nothing to worry about These Problems: Solutions Are Available, First you have to download one application, It's called "MTK Engineering Mode" MTK Engineering Mode There will be a photo of this app like this. The link is here Download From Here 2. After downloading, you have to open the app 3. Then you have to click on "MTK Settings" 4.Then you scroll twice to the right 5.Then you have to click on the "Audio" 6.Then click on ...